Campus Life
Monroe Christian School offers a variety of activities that promote connectedness and enhance the classroom experience. Some of our enrichment activities are:
Band, Choir, + Performing Arts
Clubs + Electives
Math + Reading Specialists
Classroom Buddies/Inter-grade activities
Field Trips
After-school care
Hot Lunch options/treat days
We offer limited sports for students in 5th-8th grade. Currently, we offer co-ed soccer and track in the fall, and cross-country in the spring. Our teams play other private Christian schools, which can take us from Puyallip to Marysville for games and events.
Band, Choir, +
Performing Arts
In addition to weekly classes, students
take part in a musical performance
during the year. These fun programs incorporate singing, memorization,
and choreography. ​​
Middle School students have the option
to join choir or band as one of their trimester electives. Although the program is in its infancy, they are gaining skills and from great directors to display in a Spring concert.
Clubs + Electives
Middle school students take part in electives each trimester. They can participate in band, choir, fine arts (drawing/painting), or technology (coding/graphic design). We hope to grow our selections in the future.
​There are clubs and small groups for middle school-ages, such as an after-school bible study, or Math Club, which acts as a study hall
to complete any unfinished work.
Math + Reading
This year we have a full-time math and a part-time reading specialist on site. They support staff members are able to tutor kids during the school day as a partner with their teachers- addressing students' needs in real-time.
Field Trips
We offer limited sports for students in 5th-8th grade. Currently, we offer co-ed soccer and track in the fall, and cross-country in the spring. Our teams play other private Christian schools, which can take us from Puyallip to Marysville for games and events.
Classroom Buddies
We focus our school culture on how we are united as brothers and sisters in Christ, despite differences in age, personality, or friendship circles. We often pair the higher and lower grades together as 'buddies' to preserve our 'small school' feel.
Classroom buddies spend time together weekly and help in multiple ways: building confidence reading aloud, showing off a science experiment, or holding hands as they walk to Chapel. These bonds are felt for years, and result in hallway hugs and hi-fives for many years.